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* 3-8 days in St.Petersburg

Recommended period: May - October 2025

Duration of the tour: 3-8 days
Main sights: city sightseeing tour, Peter and Paul Forttess
Accommodation: 4* hotel
Transport: minibus/coach

Grand Tour

Zeitraum: das ganze Jahr
Aufenthaltsort: Sankt Petersburg
Wichtige Sehenswürdigkeiten: Staatliche Eremitage, Isaakskathedrale, Blutkirche, Weliki Nowgorod, Peterhof, Zarskoje Selo,
Hotelkategorien: 3* und 4 Hotels*
Verpflegung: Frühstück
Transport: Bus

* Special tours & evening activities

Recommended period: May-October 2025
Main sights: open bridge tour, ballet, opera, folk sow, classical  music, musterclasses  (cooking, drawing, dancing), etc
Accommodation: no
Meals: on request
Transport: minibus coach

2 days in Saint-Petersburg (without accommodation)

Recommended period: all year round.  
Main sights: city sightseeing tour, State Hermitage museum (the main museum complex), Lower Park in Peterhof (Grand Palace in period 01.01 - 25.04.2025, 13.10.2025 - 31.03.2026), Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo
Accommodation: not included
Transport: minibus/coach

3 days in Saint-Petersburg (without accommodation)

Recommended period: all year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, the State Hermitage museum (the main museum complex), Lower Park in Peterhof (Grand Palace 01.01-25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026), Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo, Yusupov Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral (or Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood)
Accommodation: not included
Transport: minibus/coach

Amazing Moscow 3 days

Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Armory, metro tour, «Panorama 360» Моscow-City, cruise «Radisson Royal», Moscow cable way
Accommodation: 4*+ / 5*
Meals: breakfasts, 1 lunch with a tasting of national drinks, 1 welcome dinner with a glass of champagne, 1 dinner on «Radisson Royal» 
Transport: minibus / coach

Amazing Moscow 4 days

Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Armory, Tretyakov Gallery, Sergiev Posad Trinity St.Sergius Lavra, metro tour, «Panorama 360» Моscow-City, cruise «Radisson Royal», Moscow cable way
Accommodation: 4*+ / 5*
Meals: breakfasts, 1 lunch with a tasting of national drinks,  1 lunch in restaurant in Sergiev Pasad, 1 welcome dinner with a glass of champagne, 1 dinner on «Radisson Royal», 1 dinner in restaurant «Yar»
Transport: minibus / coach

Amazing Moscow 5 days

Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Armory, Tretyakov Gallery, museum-reserve Kolomenskoe palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, Sergiev Posad Trinity St.Sergius Lavra, metro tour, «Panorama 360» Моscow-City, cruise «Radisson Royal», Moscow cable way
Accommodation: 4*+ / 5*
Meals: breakfasts, 1 lunch with a tasting of national drinks, 1 lunch in restaurant «360» in Moscow-City, 1 lunch in restaurant in Sergiev Pasad, 1 welcome dinner with a glass of champagne, 1 dinner on «Radisson Royal», 1 dinner in restaurant «Yar», 1 dinner in restaurant with red caviar tasting
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all year round
Main sights: city sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the main museum complex), the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace 01.01-25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026), the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo
Accommodation: 4*+
Meals: breakfasts, 1 welcome lunch or dinner at the restaurant with a glass of champagne, 1 lunch at a restaurant with a tasting of famous national drinks, 1 lunch, 1 traditional russian dinner at the restaurant «Podvorie»
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: city sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the main museum complex), Peter and Paul Fortress with the cathedral, the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace 01.01-25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026), the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo, Faberge museum
Accommodation: 4*+
Meals: breakfasts, 1 lunch at a restaurant with a tasting of famous national drinks, 2 lunches, 1 traditional russian dinner in the restaurant «Podvorie», 1 dinner in the restaurant with a glass of champagne, 1 dinner in the palace interiors
Transport: minibus / coach



Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, metro tour, Arbat street
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfasts, 2 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Tretyakov Gallery, metro tour, Arbat street
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfasts, 2 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Tretyakov Gallery, metro tour,  Sergiev Posad Trinity St.Sergius Lavra, Arbat street
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfasts, 3 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Tretyakov Gallery, metro tour, museum-reserve Kolomenskoe palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, Sergiev Posad Trinity St.Sergius Lavra, Arbat street
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfasts, 4 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Tretyakov Gallery, metro tour, museum-reserve Kolomenskoe Palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, Sergiev Posad Trinity St.Sergius Lavra, Cosmonautics Museum, VDNH , Arbat street
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfasts, 5 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach

Classic Saint Petersburg 3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS

Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the main museum complex), the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace 01.01- 25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026)
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfast, 2 lunches or 1 lunch and 1 dinner 
Transport: minibus/coach


Klassisches Sankt-Petersburg

Reisezeit: das ganze Jahr
Aufenthaltsort: St.Petersburg
Wichtige Sehenswürdigkeiten: Eremitage, Sommerresidenz Peterhof
Unterbringung: Hotel “Rossiya” ***/“Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya” **** oder Park Inn Pulkovskaya“
Verpflegung: Frühstück
Verkehrsmittel: Bus

Classic Saint Petersburg 5 DAYS/4 NIGHTS

Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the Main Museum Complex), the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace
01.01-25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026), the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo, Peter and Paul fortress with cathedral
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfast, 3 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach


Classic Saint Petersburg 6 DAYS/5 NIGHTS

Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the Main Museum Complex), the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace
01.01-25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026), the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo, Peter and Paul fortress with cathedral, the St.Isaak's Cathedral, the Saviour on Spilled Blood Cathedral
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfast, 4 lunches
Transport: minibus/coach


Classic Saint Petersburg 7 DAYS/6 NIGHTS

Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the Main Museum Complex), the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace
01.01-25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026), the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo, Peter and Paul fortress with cathedral, the St.Isaak's Cathedral, the Saviour on Spilled Blood Cathedral, Russian museum
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfast, 5 lunches
Transport: minibus/coach



Duration: 4 days/ 3 nights
Recommended period: all the year round  
Main sights: sightseeing tour
Accommodation:  3* / 4 * 
Meals: breakfast
Transport: minibus / coach


Duration: 5 days/ 4 nights
Recommended period: all the year round  
Main sights: sightseeing tour
Accommodation:  3* / 4 * 
Meals: breakfast
Transport: minibus / coach


Duration: 3 days/ 2 nights
Recommended period: all the year round  
Main sights: sightseeing tour
Accommodation:  3* / 4 * 
Meals: breakfast
Transport: minibus / coach



Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfast
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfast
Transport: minibus coach

Ethnotour nach Jamal

Ausgangspunkt: Salekhard 
Reisezeit:  März 2019
Wichtige Sehenswürdigkeiten: Tundra der Jamal-Halbinsel, Festspiele der Rentierzüchter
Unterbringung​: 3* Hotel, nationale Rohlederzelte
Verpflegung: wie im Program (nationale Küche)
Transport: Motorschlitten   


Four summer days in Karelia

Duration: 4 days/3 nights
Starting point: Petrozavodsk
Recommended period: May – September
Destinations: Petrozavodsk, island of Kizhi, Valaam Island.
Main sights: Island of Kizhi, Kivach Nature Reserve, Kinerma Village,Valaam Monastery, Ruskeala
Accommodation: 3* hotel
Meals: Full board
Transport: coach, motor ship

Golden Karelian Ring

Duration: 7 days/6 nights
Starting point: Petrozavodsk
Recommended period:May – September
Destinations:Petrozavodsk, island of Kizhi, Valaam Island
Main sights:Island of Kizhi, Kivach Nature Reserve, Kinerma Village,Valaam Monastery, Ruskeala, Solovetsky Islands
Accommodation:3* hotel
Meals:Full board
Transport: coach, motor ship

Golden Ring Tour 4 days

Recommended period: all the year round 
Destination: Vladimir, Suzdal, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Preyaslavl-Zalessky, Sergiev Pasad
Main sights: Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, Suzdal Kremlin territory, Museum of wooden architecture, Ipatievsky monastery with Trinity Cathedral in Kostroma, Church of Ilya the Prophet and Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral in Yaroslavl, Kremlin territory and museum of Finift in Rostov Veliky, Trinity-Sergiev Lavra in Sergiev Pasad
Accommodation: 3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfasts, 4 lunches, 3 dinners 
Transport: minibus / coach

Historische Tour

Dauer: 9 Tage/8 Nächte
Ausgangspunkt: St.Petersburg
Reisezeit: Mai - September
Aufenthaltsorte: Petrozavodsk, Insel Kizhi, Solovetski Inseln, Weißmeer-Ostsee Kanal
Wichtige Sehenswürdigkeiten: Museumsinsel Kizhi, Solovetski Kloster, Weißmeer-Ostsee Kanal
Unterbringung: 3* Hotel und Hotel Komplex “Solovki”
Verpflegung: Halbpension
Verkehrsmittel: Zug, Motorboot, Bus


Recommended period: upon request
Destination:  Karelia
Main sights: husky farm 
Accommodation: big common tent
Meals: full board
Transport: coach, sledge


Auf den Spuren von Dostojewski in St.Petersburg

Reisezeit: das ganze Jahr

Es ist die Tour mit dem gesetzten Schwerpunkt auf die Orte, die mit Dostojewskis Leben und Werk verbunden sind, so dass Sie eine Atmosphäre der "Weißen Nächte" von Fjodor Dostojewski über Liebe, Träume, Glück und Verlust fühlen würden  oder entdecken Sie, warum die materialistische Gesellschaft von St .Petersburg, die von dem Fürst Myschkin vertretene Werte verehrte und sie für "gut" hielt, konnte ihn in seinem berühmten Roman „Der Idiot“, nicht akzeptieren.

Reise Baikalsee – Irkutsk – Ulan-Ude

Ausgangspunkt: Irkutsk
Reisezeit: Juni – Mitte Oktober
Wichtige Sehenswürdigkeiten: Dekabristen-Museum, Baikalsee-Museum, Freilichtmuseum für
Aufenthaltsorte: Irkutsk, Baikalsee, Ulan-Ude
Unterbringung: 3* Hotel
Verpflegung: Frühstück
Verkehrsmittel: Bus, Zug, Fähre


Duration: 1 days
Starting point: Petrozavodsk
Recommended period: all year round
Main sights: Island of Kizhi, Kivach Nature Reserve
Meals: Picnic
Transport: coach, motor ship

Journey to Cape Dezhnev

Period:  August 2019
Destination:  Chukotka
Main sights:  Anadyr, Cape Dezhnev, Lorino hot springs
Accommodation:  double-basis private apartments
Meals:  full board
Transport:  airplain, boat 

Kamchatka tour

Starting point: Moscow
Recommended period: July-August-the middle of September
Destinations: Kamchatka Peninsula
Main sights: Mutnovsky and Gorely Volcanoes, Bystraya river, Valley of Geysers 
Accommodation: 3* hotel, camping
Meals: as per program
Transport: coach

Kazan (3 days/2 nights)

Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, Kazan Kremlin, Folklore program "Yakyn Duslar"Universal TempleIsland Town of Sviyazhsk, Raifa Virgin Monastery, Chak-Chak Museum 
Accommodation: 4* 
Meals: breakfast
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, Kazan Kremlin, Folklore program "Yakyn Duslar"Universal TempleIsland Town of Sviyazhsk, Raifa Virgin Monastery, Ak Mechet (the White Mosque)town of Bolgar, Chak-Chak Museum 
Accommodation: 4* 
Meals: breakfast, lunches
Transport: minibus / coach

Lake Baikal tours

Starting point: Irkutsk
Recommended period: June – the middle of October
Main sights: Lake Baikal, Museum of Lake Baikal, Museum of Wooden Architecture of the 17-19th centuries, Irkutsk Regional Museum.
Destinations: Irkutsk, Lake Baikal
Accommodation: 3* hotel
Meals: BB
Transport: coach

Lord Veliky Novgorod

Duration: 1 day
Recommended period: all the year round
Starting point: Saint-Petersburg
Destination: Velikiy Novgorod
Main sights: Novgorod Kremlin, Yaroslav’s Court, Museum of Wooden Architecture
Meals: lunch
Transport: coach

Luxury of two capitals

Duration: 7 days/ 6 nights
Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Armory, Tretyakov Gallery, museum-reserve Kolomenskoye with palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, the Hermitage (the main museum complex), Faberge Museum, folklore in the Nikolaevsky Palace with fourshette, St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Savior on Spilled Blood, the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo, the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace 01.01-.04.2025 and 13.10-31.12.2025)
Accommodation: 4* / 4*+
Meals: breakfasts , 1 dinner on the cruise «Radisson Royal», 1 lunch in the Russian restaurant «Podvorie»
Transport: minibus / coach

Moscow - Golden Ring - Veliky Novgorod - St. Petersburg 8 days tour

Recommended period: all the year round 
Destination: Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal, Veliky Novgorod, Saint Petersburg 
Main sights: the Hermitage (the Main Museum Complex), the Catherine Palace and park  in Tsarskoe Selo, Moscow Kremlin
Accommodation: 3* / 4* hotels
Meals: breakfasts
Transport: minibus / coach

Moscow - Saint-Petersburg

Duration: 7 days/6 nights
Recommended period: all the year round excluded period of FIFA 2018: 14/06-16/07/2018
Destinations: Moscow, St.Petersburg
Main sights: the Moscow Kremlin, Sergiev Posad, the Hermitage, summer residence Tsarskoye Selo
Accommodation: Hotel Rossiya ***/ Izmailovo Alfa ***; Hotel Pribaltiyskaya ****/Cosmos ****
Meals: breakfast
Transport: coach

Moscow – Golden Ring - Veliky Novgorod – Saint-Petersburg

Recommended period: May-Sept excluded period of FIFA 2018: 14/06-16/07/2018
Destinations: Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal, Novgorod, St.Petersburg
Main sights: the Moscow Kremlin, Rozhdestvensky Cathedral in Suzdal, St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, the Hermitage, Catherine Palace
Accommodation: Izmailovo Alfa *** hotel, Hotel Pushkarskaya Sloboda ***, Sadko *** , Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya ****
Meals: breakfast
Transport: coach

Russian Banya – Bathhouse

Sandunovskiye Baths or “Sanduny” is one of the oldest and the most popular public baths in Moscow. Sandunovskiye Baths has unique interior: there is a large hall and 13 rooms (for different number of people – from 3 to 8) all decorated in a different styles - Russian, Greek and Turkish.

Saint-Petersburg in 1 day

Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: 1st option: sightseeing tour, territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the St.Isaak's cathedral or the Saviour on Spilled Blood, the Hermitage (the Main Museum Complex) / 2nd option: sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the Main Museum Complex), the Lower Park in Peterhof (the Grand Palace 01.01-25.04.2025 and 13.10.2025-31.03.2026)
Meals: 1 lunch / 1 dinner
Transport: minibus coach


Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: 
1 option: sightseeing tour, Moscow Kremlin, Tretiakov Gallery
2 option:  sightseeing tour, Moscow Kremlin, museum-reserve Kolomenskoe palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich
Meals: 1 lunch, 1 dinner
Transport: minibus / coach

Solovetskie Islands tour

Duration: 6 days/5 nights
Starting point: St.Petersburg
Recommended period: May - September
Destinations: Belomorsk, the Solovetsky Monastery
Main sights: the ensemble of the Solovetsky Monastery
Accommodation: the Hotel Complex Solovki
Meals: full board
Transport: train, motor ship

Tour in the Middle Ages

Duration: 2 days/ 1 night
Recommended period: all the year round
Destination: Velikiy Novgorod
Main sights:  Novgorod Kremlin, Yaroslav’s Court, Museum of Wooden
Architecture and Yuriev Monastery
Accommodation: 3* or 4* hotels
Meals: breakfast
Transport: coach

Tour of the Golden Ring "Yaroslavl Sunrises" 4 days

Recommended period: all the year round 
Destination: Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Myshkin, Martynovo, Uglich, Kostroma, village of Nekrasovskoye
Main sights: Assumption Cathedral in Yaroslavl, Church of Ilya the Prophet and the territory of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Yaroslavl, boat trip along Volga river, territory of the Kremlin and the Finift museum in Rostov Veliky, Myshkinskiy People’s museum complex, Katskovo museum in Martynovo, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Uglich, Ipatiev Monastery with the Trinity Cathedral in Kostroma, the "Great Salt Museum" in village of Nekrasovskoye, Salt cooking workshop
Accommodation: 4* / 4*+ hotels
Meals: breakfasts, 3 lunches 
Transport: minibus / coach

Tour of the Golden Ring "Yaroslavl Sunrises" 5 days

Recommended period: all the year round 
Destination: Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Preyaslavl-Zalessky, Sergiev Pasad, Suzdal, Vladimir, Ples, Kostroma
Main sights: Assumption Cathedral in Yaroslavl, Church of Ilya the Prophet and the territory of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Yaroslavl, boat trip along Volga river, the territory of the Kremlin and the Finift museum in Rostov Veliky, the "Botik Peter I" museum in Preyaslavl-Zalessky, Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Pasad, Suzdal Kremlin territory, museum of Wooden Architecture, Ipatievsky Monastery with Trinity Cathedral in Kostroma
Accommodation: 3* / 4* hotels
Meals: breakfasts, 4 lunches 
Transport: minibus / coach

Trans-Siberian Railway Tour

Starting point: Moscow
Recommended period: all year round
Main sights: the Moscow Kremlin, Lake Baikal, Trans-Siberian Railway
Destinations: Moscow, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok
Accommodation: Hotels in Moscow, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok
Meals: as per program
Transport: Trans-Siberian express train, coach

Two capitals

Duration: 7 days/ 6 nights
Recommended period: all the year round
Main sights: Moscow Kremlin, Sergiev Posad Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, the Hermitage (the main museum complex), Peter and Paul Fortress with cathedral, the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo
Accommodation: 3* / 4*
Meals: breakfasts
Transport: minibus / coach

Two summer days in Karelia: Kizhi – Kivach – Kinerma

Duration: 2 days/1 nights
Starting point: Petrozavodsk
Recommended period: May – September
Main sights: Island of Kizhi, Kivach Nature Reserve, Kinerma Village
Accommodation: 3* hotel
Meals: Full board
Transport: train, motor ship

Vladimir-Suzdal tour 1 day

Recommended period: all the year round 
Destination: Vladimir, Suzdal
Main sights: Suzdal Kremlin territory, Museum of wooden architecture
Meals: 1 lunch
Transport: minibus / coach

Weekend in Kazan (2 days/1 night)

Recommended period: all the year round 
Main sights: sightseeing tour, Kazan Kremlin, Raifa Virgin Monastery
Accommodation: 4* 
Meals: breakfast
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: all the year round  
Main sights: sightseeing tour, Moscow Kremlin, сruise on
 «Radisson Royal», museum-reserve Kolomenskoye palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich
Accommodation: 4* / 4*+ 
Meals: breakfast, 2 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach


Recommended period: 01.05.25 - 30.09.25
Main sights: sightseeing tour, the Hermitage (the Main Museum Complex), the Catherine Palace and park in Tsarskoe Selo, night tour on the boat «Open bridges»
Accommodation3* / 4* 
Meals: breakfast, 2 lunches
Transport: minibus / coach

“Silver Crown” coach tour

Duration: 5 days/4 nights
Starting point: St.Petersburg
Recommended period: May - October
Destinations: Novgorod, Pskov, Izborsk, Pechery, the House-Museum in the village of Mikhailovskoe
Main sights: the Oreshek Fortress, the Ladoga Fortress, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, Novgorod Kremlin, the Museum of Wooden Architecture, the Yuriev Monastery, Pskovan Kremlin, the Trinity Cathedral in Pskov, the Mironezhsky Monastery, the Izborsk Fortress, the Slavic Springs, the Pskovo-Pechersky Assumption Monastery, the Pushkin House-Museum in the village of Mikhailovskoe
Accommodation: 3-star hotels or 4-star in Pskov and Novgorod
Meals: full board
Transport: coach